School Timing

The school commences by 8:50 am in the morning. Classes start by 9:30 am and end by 3:30 pm. School Assembly is a major part of the school’s curriculum and it is conducted on every alternate (Monday, Wednesday and Friday) morning. School buses depart by 4 pm sharp. Special coaching for sports is offered between 4 pm – 5 pm on all days.

Senior Secondary Courses

  • Group A – English, Mathematics, Physics, Chemistry and Biology
  • Group B – English, Physics, Chemistry, Biology and Physical Education
  • Group C – English, Mathematics, Physics, Chemistry and Computer Science
  • Group D – English, Business Studies, Accountancy, Economics, Physical Education or Maths

Academic Plus

Throughout the year there is something for everyone; sports, arts and crafts, music, drama, media, outdoor pursuits, hobbies, leisure pastimes as well as community services. Each child should choose one activity, one club and one sport from the available list all of which are taught by qualified external teachers. Primary classes have their activities on Tuesdays and senior classes on Fridays. At the end of each academic year the children will display their new skills in the form of performances, demonstrations or by displaying their work.

No Bag Day

On every alternate Wednesdays and Saturdays, internal competitions are conducted. Students shall keep their bags at home to involve themselves in the various competitions conducted.


Competitions are conducted in the school on every alternate week and each competition has been carefully selected and conducted for the benefit of students. The aim of conducting the competitions is to encourage all the children to participate and express themselves in a way they have never expressed before.

Through external competitions we provide students with new platforms to showcase their talents for the world to see.

Sick Bay

The school has a well-maintained clinic with an in-house nurse. The clinic is available on all days and at all times. In case a student falls sick or sustains injury in school they will receive immediate medical attention here. The clinic is equipped with all the basic medical facilities and provides separate room with beds for the sick.

Parents Portal

A special log-in portal is made available in this website for parents to access information about their child’s performance at school. Parents’ support is needed for the building of sound character in pupils.

Chairman's Message

Kings Schools are centres of excellence for academic studies and sporting achievement and both schools are among the leading Independent Schools in Tamil Nadu. Our success is due to our loyal and supportive parents, our dedicated teachers, our extensive facilities and resources and our Kings students who are focused, motivated and inspired to achieve. Kings students are prepared for admission to good colleges and universities and for exceptional careers and professions.

They are prepared for life and to take their places as dynamic citizens of modern India. We encourage students to recognise their own potential, qualities and strengths and to apply them. As always, we are very grateful to Kings Parents for the absolute trust which they place in Kings Schools for the education and care of their children. Education is a partnership between school and parents and we respect the genuine desire of parents to get the best possible education for their precious children.

Colin Wagstaff OBE

Correspondent's Message

“Thank you for visiting our school website. I encourage you to browse through the entire website and get to know the school and it’s world class facilities, unrivalled quality and wide range of academic, academic plus and sports programmes that we operate. A new school year is always an exciting time for everyone. It presents many challenging opportunities for students including new classes, new faces, new friends, new expectations and new facilities to explore.

Parents, we do encourage you to talk with your children about their school day and ask them specific questions about what they do at school. Please constantly review your child’s academic progress on the parent portal and please maintain contact with your child’s teachers and staff in order to establish a successful Home – School connection. You are very welcome to get in touch with me directly on if you wish to do so. We are proud of our parents, students & dedicated staff and I do hope your child will enjoy their Kings school experience.”

J. Navamani

Director's Message

Welcome to Kings Schools! As you experience our website, I hope you learn more about the qualities, that make Kings an outstanding place for twenty-first-century child-centred education and a wonderful place to build your child’s future.
“Education is not the learning of facts, but the training of mind to think.”
This statement by Albert Einstein rings true in today’s world, where there are multiple responsibilities and unexpected challenges. We prepare our children, to face this world by creating a unique classroom experience where they are encouraged to raise questions, take chances, make mistakes and eventually fulfil their learning outcomes.
As our Kingstonians travel through their life’s journey, they are confident and leave no stone unturned. That’s the magic of Kings and I stand as a testimonial too.
Dear viewer, whether you are a parent, potential parent or educator, we look forward to having you as a part of our Kings family. Together, let’s make a difference.