07 September 2022
Thirukkural is a work that has an immense influence on Tamil culture and life. It is usually attributed to the poet Thiruvalluvar. So to emphazise more on its practical concerns, aphoristic insights into daily life, and universal and timeless approach Thirukkural Recitation was planned to conduct.
Kings school always brings out the talent of the student. To bring out this talent from the student Thirukkural Recitation competition for class (I-III) was decided to conduct.
The Intraschool competition was conducted in our school in the month of September dated 7.9.2022 from 2.30 pm to 3.30 pm for class (I-III).
The Thirukkural Recitation competition was carried out with the criteria’s like Pronunciation, Clarity and Spontaneity .Students participated in the competition enthusiastically.
The competition was judged by Mr.Ashok for class 1, Mrs.Sahila for class 2, Ms. Rishibaa for class 3
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